PawPrint Dogs and Us
Why We Love Dogs • Canines are friendly, fluffy, and cute. Is there something hardwired into humans that makes us so susceptible to dogs’ lovable ways?
UNDERSTANDING THE BOND • The connection between people and dogs can be traced through science and history—and is sustained by love.
Do Dogs Love Us? • Researchers explore the roots of the special bond between humans and dogs.
How Wolves Became Man’s Best Friend • Exploring just when wolves evolved into domestic dogs reveals that canines have offered their companionship from the onset of human history.
DOGS MAY MOURN WHEN OTHER PETS DIE • Grief is complex, and we all experience it differently. Recent research explores how your dog might grieve the loss of other household canines.
CARING FOR YOUR DOG • How to make your dog’s health and happiness a priority.
How to Be a Super Pet Parent • Meeting your dog’s unique needs can be a challenge. Some core principles can help you give your pet the best life.
When Am I Considered an Experienced Dog Owner? • If these six traits describe you, you might be ready for just about any breed of dog.
PETTING A DOG LIKE A PRO • Experts weigh in on how to make your pup’s leg go bonkers with sweet-spot scratches.
13 Tips for First-Time Dog Owners • Critical things you need to know.
IS IT OKAY TO HUG YOUR DOG? • The answer might surprise all you huggers out there.
COMFORT AND SUPPORT • Working dogs help (and love) those who need it most.
Helping Humans Heal • Assistance dogs bring comfort and joy to everyone they help. You can get involved in the important work they do.
Could Your Dog Be a Therapy Dog? • Experts weigh in on how to train your dog to provide emotional support and the positive impact these animals have on their communities.
HOSPITAL HEROES: HOW TWO THERAPY DOGS HELP THOSE IN NEED • At Huntsville Hospital in Alabama, a brother-sister dog duo share love and light—and maybe a few furballs—with humans who need and deserve it.
Sight Shepherds • Since 1942, nonprofit Guide Dogs for the Blind has changed the lives of more than 16,000 people by pairing them with four-pawed guidance and goodness.
The Joy of Owning a Special Needs Pet • Pets with special needs—from physical disabilities to anixiety—come with unique joys and challenges.
PawPrint Dogs and Us